Saturday, June 26, 2010

Jaiden is a party pooper!

Today is my nephew Jaiden's 4th birthday. He's a woderful kid who spent the majority of his birthday sleeping. I really wanted to snap a few shots of him up and about but it appears to me that it's not going to happen anytime soon. Regardless, I was able to capture him sleeping peacefully on his dad's bed without waking sleeping beauty.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Not too much of an update...

Been very busy with work lately and haven't had much time to go out and shoot. However, an update that I'm happy to share is that I'll soon be an owner of the Canon 70-200mm F2.8L IS II lens! Just waiting on a few last minute funds. I also need to post my DIY for the soft box. I posted a new picture I took with it of my primary lens for the meantime. Quality was great and the setup cost me nothing since I had all the materials at home.

Side note: Went out to dinner with my wife and sister and brother-in- law at Joe's Crab Shack and that place was awesome. If you're ever on the wharf in the city of SF, you absolutely need to make a stop at Joe's Crab Shack. It's awesome, you won't regret it.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Magic with a DIY macro studio.

I made a simple DIY macro studio using materials that I found lying around the house. I'll have a complete DIY in my "Behind the Scenes/DIY" section later tonight though. It was easy and the results were great. Did a few shots to test it today and they came out really nice. Heres a pic of the set up I used. However, follow this GTR link to see the results of the shoot with the DIY macro studio.

Client with butterfly knife

Had a shoot with a client today showing off his butterfly knife skills. For this shoot, I used my DIY macro studio to capture the sequence of shots. Took about 600+ photos to get the right one and here it is. Trust me, he makes it look easy compared to how difficult it really was. I gave it a try and nearly dropped it on my toe.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Nice day on HWY 9

Took my friend Arnold up HWY 9 today to enjoy the nice summer weather in the R. Havn't driven my car in over a month. She's been in hibernation. lol. Didn't get a chance to snap any other photos than the one pictured because I was driving. Beautiful roads up there though. Stopped at Skyline Point to enjoy the view of the bay area. You can literally see San Francisco city and all of the bay area from there. It was an amazing view. Also saw a bunch of Motorcyclist zooming by at speeds as fast as 70mph. Love how the bike screams though.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Congrats to my wife!

My wife, Reyna was just informed that she was accepted to San Jose State University Masters of Public Administration program (MPA). All the hard work she'd put in towards her career is starting to pay off. There were only 32 seats available for the program and she was chosen out of the 140+ students that applied. Again, congratulations I'm extremely proud of you!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A look inside my camera bag.

Heres a peak into my bag. I try to travel as light as I can to travel more comfortably. Every shoot is different, you never know what to expect and going prepared is a must.