Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sadie and Motley at the park

Had a lot of fun taking the dogs to the park today. They had fun and I had fun shooting them. I must say though that it was hard trying to juggle shooting pictures and playing fetch. There weren't too many dogs there today which made it much easier for me to just let them roam freely around the park. Something interesting I saw though was that there was a new newsletter informing guests about recent rattlesnake sightings in and around the dog park. So FYI. if you plan to take your dogs to Ed Levin Park in Milpitas, please be cautious and aware of your environment. Rattle snakes are commonly found during hot, humid weather which is about mid-day in the bay area. They don't strike or attack for no reason, if you see one or hear one grab or call for your dog and leave the area. Also, do not put your hand or step into an area where you can't see. Enjoy the rest of summer with your pets while we still have it but continue to safe and cautious about your surroundings.

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