Friday, July 23, 2010

Family Photos

Heres a picture I took sparingly of my brother David his girlfriend Justine and their son Jaiden. It's nice having pictures to look back on especially of your family. As a kid growing up, I can't recall a time where we sat down and took pictures just for fun. In a family of seven including my parents, you would expect a huge photo album but unfortunately we only have one. My mom still has it and I often look through it whenever I get the chance to. As an adult now looking back, I promised myself to always have a camera around to capture moments I share with my family so that one day my kids and future generations can have something to refer back to. I don't hate my parents for not taking more pictures but the memories they had captured and saved in an old, dusty, half-way torn 30 page photo album from the early 80's to mid 90's were some of the best memories I remember sharing with my siblings. So I guess for this situation quality was more important than quantity.

In addition to my immediate family, I also have a beautiful wife and two super energetic puppies that keep us going. We already started a family album together and as the years go by, I know we'll have plenty more memories to add to it.

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